Sunday, December 21, 2014


Malcolm loves Santa and is right at home on his lap.  Donovan still likes Santa but is questioning if he is real.  Kieran is too terrified of Santa to get within six feet of him!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Rainey Family Christmas Letter - 2014

We had another eventful year here in Nova Scotia!  We have gone from having two rambunctious boys and a baby to having three busy boys to keep track of.  Kieran has been walking since he was 11 months old (in July) and has not looked back.
We had a hot, sunny summer here in Nova Scotia and Mary Ellen greatly enjoyed being home with her three boys.  Donovan played lots of soccer, some tennis and took swimming lessons at the beach.  Malcolm also enjoyed swimming lessons at the beach and had the opportunity to play in a soccer league (but didn’t seem to enjoy that as much as Donovan!)
But, all good things come to an end! In the fall, the older boys went back to school: Donovan in grade 3 and Malcolm in grade Primary (kindergarten) for another year.  Both are thriving.  Donovan is a math whiz, reading up a storm and also enjoys both piano and sewing lessons.  Malcolm participates enthusiastically in all of his classroom’s activities and his second year of Primary has been hugely positive.  He is also working with a new speech therapist and is very motivated to improve his speech.
As for Mary Ellen and Kieran, Mary Ellen headed back to work in September (part-time), which meant Kieran started daycare.  He is attending the same daycare that his big brothers went to.  After a difficult transition, he has overcome his initial misgivings and is now happy to wave bye-bye in the morning.  He even has one particular baby buddy – they like to play together.
Jan continues to grow his research program at work (with 15 or so people now in his lab) while being a very hands-on Dad at home.  He made several short trips this year and is excited to start some new collaborations.   He had several academic papers published and has revamped one of his classes using online resources to make it more accessible to students.
In May, the whole family traveled to Fredericton, New Brunswick for the Canadian Down Syndrome Society conference.  We stopped at an indoor amusement park on the way. The hotel had a fantastic pool and we enjoyed a small suite, so our first trip as a family of five was a huge success.
In early June we went to Ontario for a few weeks.  We had a great time seeing friends and family and relaxing on the farm.  We were especially glad to wave to Grandpa Lee in his last Canada Day parade as a municipal politician!
We are all healthy and happy, though Malcolm has just been diagnosed with Celiac disease so we are transitioning to be a gluten free family.   Mary Ellen is looking forward to exploring new recipes. 
We hope that all of our family and friends experienced as much joy as we did this past year.   Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Jan, Mary Ellen, Donovan, Malcolm and Kieran

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Hallowe'en 2014!

The kids had another great Hallowe'en!  Kieran made it to several houses (not to trick or treat, just to watch his brothers) before heading home for bed and Malcolm almost made it up and down the street before he succumbed.  He was so excited last night that he couldn't get to sleep - very unusual for our live in the moment guy!  Donovan's costume was designed by himself (a black ghost with a beard and a witch hat) and I thought it was great.

Mary Ellen

Monday, October 13, 2014


It has been a long time since I posted.  A few people have asked about the blog lately.  In the spirit of 31 for 21 I thought that I would try to do a few posts this month, and then perhaps monthly after that.  For those of you on facebook, I occasionally post pics there so send me a friend request if you haven't already done so....

It's already gotten late so for tonight I will just post a few pics from today.  We had a great weekend - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Mary Ellen

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Snow Day

The kids are having a great time - they brought up a new toy for Kieran from the basement as well as a few toys they haven't played with for a while. Easy entertainment!

Belated Hearing and Speech Update

I prepared this post a few weeks ago but never got around to typing a final sentence and posting it.  I'm posting it now for those interested.  The postscript is that Malcolm is now seeing the SLP who hosted the session I went to in January.  He has had an assessment by her and will start receiving therapy sessions from her sometime in April.

...and for those of you who are wondering, we survived the storm with no problems - we did not lose power though it must've flickered in the night as the clocks needed to be reset this morning.  There's a lot of snow but I don't think it's more than a few other storms we've had since we've lived here so for us, the storm did not live up to all the hype.  All of us were home yesterday and the kids are still home today but Jan is back to work...beautiful sunny day out now!

Mary Ellen 

We had some viruses plague us last month but we all seem to be well now.  Unusually, Daddy was the most ill but seems to be doing better now.  Grama and Grampa Rainey are back in Halifax and they boys are enjoying visits to their apartment and fun sledding outside.  School is going well and we are in a good groove with all our scheduled activities.

The speech session I went to a few weeks ago was great.  It is a system of hand cues that is intended to facilitate speech and later, reading and spelling.  The basic premise is that individuals with Ds have difficulty forming and speaking words but can learn to do so if explicitly taught the individual sounds in each word, and how to blend those sounds.  I think it will be great for Malcolm.  I am hoping to get some private lessons with the SLP who has developed this system. 

Malcolm had a hearing test last week.  It was suggested to me by this SLP because I had mentioned to her that I have been frustrated that Malcolm seemed to be saying some words and sounds really well but then over the past several months has been substituting similar sounds.  For example, he says "nore" instead of "more"and "boap" instead of "boat" where he used to be able to consistently say these words clearly.

The results of the hearing test didn't really get to the root of the problem.  Because he is older and more able to follow directions, the audiologist was able to get a much more precise reading of his hearing than ever before.  He has mild hearing loss in one ear that has "negative pressure".  Basically this ear feels as if it needs to pop all the time so sound is mildly distorted.  In the other ear, he has more moderate hearing loss.  They believe it is due to a hole in his ear that has resulted from where an ear tube used to be.  It can happen sometimes that the tubes to not fall out as they are supposed to and then the tissue around it becomes inflamed.  Malcolm had an old tube removed in July when he had his tonsils taken out.  The hope is that the hole will heal on its own.  If not - more surgery to repair the hole.

The ENT doctor feels that Malcolm's recent hearing/speech issues may be caused by this hole - he thinks it is slightly bigger than in early October when he last looked at it.  He believes Malcolm may have had an infection in the hole this fall that inflamed it further.  There was no sign of infection last week so the doctor believes that the hole will start to get smaller.  He will check it again in six months.  He does not feel that the hole is so much bigger that there should be a significant change in Malcolm's hearing relative to the fall, so he's not sure that a hearing issue is at the root of Malcolm's recent speech struggles.

So at least we know Malcolm does not have any really significant hearing issues.  Still not sure why the recent speech struggles but hopefully we can get back on track by following this speech program I just learned about.  His learning centre teacher and EPAs are going to try to use it at school - all three were at the same session I attended, which is fantastic.  Maybe it is just a matter of getting Malcolm to focus more on what he is saying.


Friday, March 21, 2014

World Down Syndrome Day 2014

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

A few photos of Malcolm at Christmas time as well as one earlier in the fall holding his little brother.

If you have not yet seen this videoclip, suggest you take a minute - it's quite short but powerful.

Mary Ellen

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy New Year!

We had another great holiday at the farm.  My parents had a professional photographer come out to the farm and take extended family photo shots.  We decided to have some baby photos taken at the same time.  Below is a a photo of Kieran (at 4 months, 10 days old) and one of the two older boys - a silly shot where the photographer encouraged the boys to do something off the wall - not that much encouragement was needed!  Much preferred by both boys to the more standard look ahead and smile.  The problem was that after this shot Malcolm thought every shot was a funny shot and the result is that the best portrait shot of the family features Malcolm being silly.

At any rate we had a great Christmas at the farm seeing family and friends.  We are settling back into life in Halifax.  I will be attending a speech therapy training session next weekend and I intend to update you all on that.

In the meantime, we continue to enjoy our happy, healthy life.  Donovan is doing rock climbing lessons and skating lessons this winter and I have resolved to try to have a few more of his friends over for playdates since we did very little of that in the fall.  Malcolm is enjoying school but finds it tiring.  We now have a family membership to Dalplex so while Donovan does his rock climbing lesson, Malcolm and Kieran are busy playing at the Funzone.

Hope that 2014 finds you all as content as we are,

Mary Ellen