Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy New Year!

We had another great holiday at the farm.  My parents had a professional photographer come out to the farm and take extended family photo shots.  We decided to have some baby photos taken at the same time.  Below is a a photo of Kieran (at 4 months, 10 days old) and one of the two older boys - a silly shot where the photographer encouraged the boys to do something off the wall - not that much encouragement was needed!  Much preferred by both boys to the more standard look ahead and smile.  The problem was that after this shot Malcolm thought every shot was a funny shot and the result is that the best portrait shot of the family features Malcolm being silly.

At any rate we had a great Christmas at the farm seeing family and friends.  We are settling back into life in Halifax.  I will be attending a speech therapy training session next weekend and I intend to update you all on that.

In the meantime, we continue to enjoy our happy, healthy life.  Donovan is doing rock climbing lessons and skating lessons this winter and I have resolved to try to have a few more of his friends over for playdates since we did very little of that in the fall.  Malcolm is enjoying school but finds it tiring.  We now have a family membership to Dalplex so while Donovan does his rock climbing lesson, Malcolm and Kieran are busy playing at the Funzone.

Hope that 2014 finds you all as content as we are,

Mary Ellen