Monday, October 18, 2010


Malcolm had bloodwork done today and his counts are all nice and high. Hemoglobin is 119, platelets 405 and ANC 3,654. So he should be starting chemo tomorrow but they have run out of rooms on the unit so he is being delayed until Wednesday. I find this to be a pretty reprehensible reason for delay, especially considering they have converted some patient rooms on the unit into admin offices instead of leaving them available for situations of high demand like this. A Tuesday start is more desirable than Wednesday because it means he is on chemo for less of the weekend. This is good because he is then usually allowed to come home for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday, and because there are fewer staff on the weekends so it is not as good to be hooked up.

Malcolm at least is oblivious to what is heading his way in a couple of days. He was extremely happy again today and walking lots as he played with his toys here at home. Tomorrow we will try to go to the park with his big brother if the weather is nice.

Mary Ellen

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