Thursday, January 6, 2011

Almost done

Malcolm had his second of three lumbar punctures for this round yesterday and it went well. He has his very last one next Wednesday - this will be his very last dose of chemo! So we are almost done - they will do a bone marrow biopsy next week as well to confirm that he is still in remission but this is more a less a formality at this point as he shows no signs of disease. Malcolm's type of leukemia has a very low relapse rate so although he will be closely monitored for the first 12 months or so and less frequently for years, no one really expects that he will have any further trouble.

Yesterday Malcolm's ANC was 1200 which is just a bit below the "normal" for 1,500 - 5,000. His platelets were 325 and hemoglobin 120, both in the "normal" range, so his counts don't seem to be unduly affected this round which is a relief.

We are expecting his central line to be removed later this month (no date yet). This is exciting because as soon as the site heals he can have a real bath! He hasn't been able to have a real bath with toys and bubbles and lots of warm water since last June. The dressing which covers the spot where the central line enters his chest must be kept dry. So it will be very exciting to have it out - Donovan keeps asking when Malcolm can have a bath with him so he will be very excited as well.

A friend called today and asked if we wanted to meet her and her kids at a playground near the water. At first I said no because it was almost lunchtime but then changed by mind and said we would go. It was a really good decision as it is quite warm and sunny here today with no breeze (unusual for Halifax) so a great day for both of the boys to run and climb - Malcolm had fun in the swing and going down some slides. Grama and Grampa Rainey were waiting to take Donovan on an outing when we got home so he decided to let me pack him a little picnic lunch to eat outside with them - a real treat in the middle of winter!

Mary Ellen

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