Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Malcolm is starting to do more pretend play and he loves to put tigger into his big chair and pretend to feed him. We had a very good speech therapy session today where pretend play is very much encouraged - ideally with an adult playing along to add vocabulary and encourage vocalization. Malcolm had his hearing tested today and it is perfect - he passed all the tests with flying colours. One tube is in and one appears to be out so it is a good sign that even the ear without the tube does not seem to have any fluid on it.

Malcolm had his blood checked last week and it looks fantastic. His hemoglobin was 135, platelets were 227, white blood count was 7.3 and ANC was 4200 - all well within the normal ranges.

Donovan has learned how to ride a bike. It is now his favourite thing to do and he is always asking us to take him to the park to ride his bike. If it's not raining, we usually try to take him at least one a day. Hopefully this will lead to years of enjoyable exercise for him. We want to try going for a family bikeride sometime soon (maybe this weekend) - even if just for a short time. Donovan is really excited about the idea. Not sure if Malcolm will love the bike trailer but we'll soon see...

Mary Ellen

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