Friday, August 2, 2013

Donovan Update

I thought that since last week's post was all about Malcolm, I should say a few words about his biggest booster and supporter, Donovan.  Donovan had a very successful year in grade one and I think he will continue to have good academic success.  His favourite subject (other than gym) is math and he is very good at it. 

Donovan really enjoys biking, swimming and playing soccer.  Unfortunately, he was unable to join a soccer team this summer as we missed too much of the season being away in Ontario.  However, we are trying to give him lots of opportunities to bike and swim.  He is very excited that Malcolm can now ride a bike.

Donovan is extremely excited about the pending baby and proudly tells people that he will be a big, big brother while Malcolm will be a big brother and a little brother.  He keeps trying to convince Malcolm that there is a baby in my tummy but Malcolm remains skeptical.  Donovan asked how I would know if the baby was ready to come out and I said my belly would start hurting.  He now asks me several times a day if my belly is hurting yet!

Earlier this spring, Donovan told me that he hopes the baby has Down syndrome.  I asked him why and he said so that Malcolm would have someone to play with when he is a grown up and someone he could talk to (Donovan is under the impression that Malcolm's babbling is some sort of alternate language that other people with Ds would be able to understand...).  I told him that while it would be ok if this baby has Ds, I am actually hoping that it does not.  I pointed out some of the advantages of having a sibling without Ds and spoke about how Malcolm would have friends, etc when he is grown up.  I think I managed to convince him of the merits of a new sibling without Ds but I guess that's proof positive that Donovan still doesn't see any negative aspect of Ds. 

I think Donovan's concerns for Malcolm's future were sparked by a discussion they had in class about people with special needs.  The class read a story about an adult with an intellectual disability who lived in a group home and I think that may have been the first time that Donovan really realized that Malcolm may not 'catch up' in every respect to him and may continue to need some extra help as an adult. Great that the class had this discussion.

Donovan is a big help to me at home - great at helping with Malcolm and also quite capable (though not always entirely willing) of doing chores around the house.  This afternoon he put away all of his laundry and vacuumed the living room carpet for me all by himself.  He often helps Malcolm get dressed in the morning and will even help him change a wet pull-up.  He has also, on occasion, brought Malcolm downstairs and made him breakfast (toast with jam or reheated pancakes and syrup).  He did lots of helping on the farm and is turning into quite a useful little guy!

Perhaps the greatest thing about Donovan continues to be his positive attitude and enthusiasm for just about everything.  It makes him a lot of fun to be around.

Mary Ellen

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