Monday, July 19, 2010

Still going well....

Malcolm continues to do well. He has lots of energy and is eating well. His platelets were 12 yesterday so he had another platelet transfusion and they were up to 90 today. His hemoglobin was 69 today so they will do a red cell transfusion this afternoon. That will take about four hours but thankfully part of it while occur over naptime so hopefully only a couple of hours awake with the dreaded IV pole. The doctor and nurses can hardly believe that his hemoglobin is so low as Malcolm is so energetic. Often when it falls this low kids have less energy but Malcolm is unstoppable.

Malcolm's ANC was 0 yesterday and is 29 today so very low but no sign of a fever or infection so that is a good thing. Fingers crossed he continues to do so well. They will do a bone marrow biopsy in a couple of weeks to ensure that all of the cancerous cells are gone and that he is in remission and then they will start the next treatment.

Malcolm had his followup hearing and ENT appointment today (followup to the surgery to have his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears). Everything is fine except that one tube is a bit plugged so he has some drops to help that.

On Friday there were a couple of NASCAR racing cars in the playgarden and Malcolm got his picture taken with the cars and drivers. There are some great pictures at:
(scroll till near the end).

We had a hot and sunny weekend and Malcolm was able to get out lots to the playgarden. He is enjoying his visit with his Grandma and Grandpa Lee and he is having playtime right now with Grama and Grampa Rainey.

Mary Ellen

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