Friday, August 20, 2010


I wanted to take some time to share the many ways that people have been supportive of us while Malcolm is undergoing treatment. Support has come in many forms and we appreciate all of them.

At my work many people have wished me well and I get emails from time to time from those following the blog or hearing about Malcolm's progress from those that do. Some coworkers who also have young kids have offered to take Donovan for playdates.

At Jan's work people ask him how things or going or comment to him that they have read the blog. Some very kind coworkers have organized a schedule to make food every Wednesday and deliver it to Jan. So each week we get a special and delicious supper delivered!

At St John's United we have enjoyed several lovely meals delivered to our house and have had several offers of playdates for Malcolm. We know also that people are thinking of us and keeping us in their prayers. Linda is a regular visitor at the hospital.

At Allegro, the boys' daycare, staff have been wonderful in working to provide the understanding and emotional support that Donovan needs. Some of Malcolm's and Donovan's teachers have visited. Staff follow Malcolm's progress on the blog and often ask after him, and they sent a wonderful fruit basket and balloon. Parents of other kids at the daycare have sent food, gifts and well wishes.

We have the support of friends here in Halifax who have offered to have Donovan over for playdates, visit us in the hospital, make us food and listen to our day to day worries and concerns.

Jan's parents have moved to Halifax for the duration of Malcolm's treatment. They take care of Donovan at least two days a week, prepare lots of food and help entertain Malcolm. They have also tackled the weeds growing in my garden and are always willing to deliver whatever we may need to the hospital.

My parents visited for 10 days in July and then took Donovan to the farm for two weeks. My two younger brothers, Greg and David and Jordana and Beth helped to make sure that Donovan had a really fun, safe trip. Donovan loved playing with his cousin Lily and helping everyone out. I know that extended family and neighbours also helped make Donovan's visit really special.

In fact, neighbours, friends and extended family back home keep Malcolm and our family in their thoughts and prayers, as do Jan's extended family and family friends. Jan and I have heard from several old friends who have sent a quick email or comment to let us know they are thinking of us.

And of course, there are many staff and volunteers at the IWK who always have a smile for us, a word of encouragement or a willingness to try to make his stay here better.

All of this support is so deeply felt and so much appreciated. We hope we will continue to feel it as we get through Malcolm's treatment. We look forward to continued emails, phone call, visits and gifts of food. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful support in so many different ways.

Mary Ellen


  1. Hi Mary Ellen, Jan, Donovan and Malcolm

    I have been following your blog fairly regularly and I wish you all the best as you all are goingthrough a trying period in your lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
