Friday, August 20, 2010


Malcolm's platelets were 24 today. Initially they were not going to do a transfusion because they typically don't do it until the bloodwork shows a number of 20 or less. However, I know from last round that if his platelets drop below 20 he will all of a sudden be sporting several large bruises on his forehead that take weeks to fade. He already has a number of small bruises on his forehead from yesterday and today. So the doctor very kindly agreed to order the transfusion for today instead of waiting. His other numbers were not changed much - hemoglobin was 97 and ANC was over 300.

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Hoping and praying that everything is going as well as can be expected. I hope that the transfusion will help Malcolm feel perkier and prevent more bruising. Lots of hugs from Camp Kintail from the girls!
