Monday, December 13, 2010

Fever free

Malcolm's fever went away and he has been fever free since Friday. He seems to be feeling quite well though has not been sleeping well so is looking quite tired (but still in pretty good spirits!). His ANC was zero until yesterday when it rose to 13. We are hoping for a higher number today. His platelets and hemoglobin seem to be recovering as well. His hemoglobin has been stable at around 81-82 for the past few days and his platelets rose to 71 after the transfusion, fell to 57 but yesterday were 80. So we are very hopeful that we will be able to go home within the next few days.

Donovan and Malcolm are very excited that their Grandma Lee is visiting for a few days. Donovan and I picked her up from the airport Saturday evening. Malcolm is hooked up quite a bit to his IV pole as he is still receiving three different IV antibiotics throughout the day (10 different infusions!) and will continue to receive them until his ANC rises to 500 and he can go home.

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

  1. That's great news that Malcolm's fever is down. Does that mean you are more likely to be home for Christmas? Hope you have a nice time with your mum (?). Let me know if you need anything at all.
