Sunday, December 19, 2010

Still not home

Malcolm's ANC continues to rise at a slow crawl and was 333 today. Hemoglobin was 79 (we are doubtful that yesterday's number of 88 was really correct - the measurement error can be up to 20% for any of these counts and it seems very odd that his hemoglobin, which typically recovers at a fairly steady rate, spiked from 78 to 88 and then fell to 79...) and platelets were 360. Our new target for going home is tomorrow (Monday). Malcolm had a restless night last night and a poor nap today - he seems to be teething again but hopefully he sleeps better tonight (he certainly looked quite tired).

Donovan did a really good job in the pageant today - he was a sheep. It was a non-speaking role and the kids had been told to stay on stage and not say anything until they we were told to make their animal noises. Unfortunately, the pageant ended and no one had told the kids to make any noises so Donovan was disappointed about that. Four years old is a great age because the kids are so enthusiastic about everything. I took Donovan to a playground for a while this afternoon and he had a lot of fun making snow angels and playing in the snow (it snowed a few centimetres on Friday and it is still cold so most of it has stuck around).

Donovan keeps asking if this time when Malcolm comes home he can stay out of the hospital forever and ever. I keep telling him that we really hope so.

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Hi...I just found your blog from Emily's. My daughter, Ella, also has the same AML. We are literally just finishing round 6 right now. Her ANC hit 806 today and she is coming home. I would love to follow you more but I have to get in the car and bring her home real soon. Our blog is
