Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

The boys had a lot of fun yesterday. Donovan got everything on his list (toy rocket ship, rainbow bubbles, remote control racecar, snow globe and bubblebath) plus more. He had a lot of fun playing with his new playdough set and some of the games he received. Malcolm's favourite gift was most definitely his keyboard from Grama and Grampa Rainey and he has been enjoying his other new toys like his telephone and airplane. The boys got a new, lightweight sled but there is no snow to test it out - yesterday was cold and overcast but no precipitation.

Grama and Grampa Rainey were here yesterday morning for gift opening and last night for dinner which was a turkey casserole with several side dishes, including freshly baked bread. So it was a great meal that was also fairly easy to clean up.

Malcolm has been feeling quite well. His appetite has been up and down but he has been in good spirits. He loves to get into everything and make big messes. He has really been enjoying his big brother. Yesterday they went onto the deck together before our walk to the park and Donovan blew some of his new rainbow bubbles for Malcolm. Malcolm loves all of Donovan's new toys - sometimes a little too much for Donovan's liking!

We had to go into the clinic last Thursday for a dressing change and we must go for bloodwork on Tuesday. If his ANC is 1000 he will be sedated for the first of three lumbar punctures to inject chemo into his spine. He has had these shots before so we are not expecting any major complications. He did not start them this past week because his counts were not high enough but the doctors are expecting him to be ready this week. It is an outpatient procedure so just a day in the clinic and back home by late afternoon and we can then enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas,

Mary Ellen

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