Monday, November 1, 2010

Big news!

Donovan had a great time trick or treating last night. Malcolm was home for supper and went to a few houses with him. We were hopeful yesterday that we could come home today and sure enough, we are going home!

It all started yesterday when his bloodwork came back with a shockingly high ANC - over 4,000, from 603 they day before. As most of my regular readers know, usually on Malcolm's type of chemo the patient's ANC drops well below 500, often to zero, stays low for a number of days and then comes back up. Patients have to stay in hospital until the ANC has recovered to over 500.

Well, Malcolm's never dropped this time - it fell to 603 and then reverberated back up! It is still nice and high today at over 3,3oo. So we get to go home! I think we set some sort of record at the hospital here for least number of days in hospital for round 4 of an AML patient (12 days). We are mostly packed and Malcolm is having his nap. Daddy will come over when it's over to load up the car and take us home.

Malcolm will have bloodwork done on Thursday. His platelets were 24 yesterday and 31 today so they may be on their way up or he may need a transfusion. His hemoglobin was 100 yesterday and 99 today. It is still well above the threshold for transfusion (70) but they will keep eye on it through bloodwork over the next couple of weeks as well.

Mary Ellen


  1. Wow! That's fantastic! Great to see you are breaking records in recovery, and that you had a great Halloween. Alfie was a cow too! In exactly the same costume!
    I wanted to come and see you when we were in hospital yesterday but Alfie has a cold so we had to stay away - looks like you would have been in the middle of packing anyway!
    Loving the numbers!
    Noah says that Malcolm looks just like Alfie - we are very excited that he has learned how to walk.
    Take care,

  2. That's fantastic!! I love those numbers. :)
