Sunday, November 21, 2010

Doing well

Jan and Donovan arrived yesterday morning and I went downstairs for a few minutes. I came back into the playroom and this was the happy sight that greeted me - so nice to see all of my boys having a nice time together. Donovan has a lot of fun at the hospital playing games in the playroom and, more recently, being permitted to watch a Thomas the Train DVD in Malcolm's room while they eat lunch. Malcolm is always very animated when he sees Donovan and tends to eat his lunch better if he eats it with his brother.

The parade was big excitement for the boys last night and Donovan was very excited to see Santa Claus at the end. It rained quite hard just before the parade but luckily the rain stopped and we were able to sit outside and watch it.

Malcolm is having a good day today - happy, energetic and eating well. Hopefully he continues to feel so well for the rest of his hospital stay!

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo. I'm glad things are going well this round. Sounds super busy from your previous post. Awesome that you all got to see Santa pass by!

    Mary Ellen, you are amazing. Thank you so much for continuing with your blog. I think of you all very often and try to send healing and happiness vibes east-ward every chance I get.
