Sunday, November 28, 2010

So far, so good

Malcolm's platelets were 20 yesterday so they did a transfusion and they were up to 96 today. His hemoglobin is holding steady at 89 yesterday and 88 today. His ANC was 580 yesterday and 246 today. We are expecting his ANC to fall to zero soon and stay very low for at least a couple of weeks. Basically, all of his counts are falling because of the effects of the first dose of chemo given on the first two days of this round - the effects of the second dose of chemo will kick in later this week.

Malcolm is doing well with lots of energy. He did develop a diaper rash that requires some medicated cream. The cream seems to be helping and his fluconozole started again this morning, which will also help clear it up. He had been off it for over a week as it potentially interferes with the chemo so he typically stops it 24 hours before chemo starts and stays off it until at least 48 hours after chemo is done. We continue to rinse his mouth with chlorohexidene and so far no mouth sores but he is at higher risk of those this month as well.

So far, so good.

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Malcolm is still doing well and does not have too many negative effects. We've been thinking about everyone in Halifax a lot and we prayed for Malcolm at church this morning.
